Monday, October 11, 2010

Purchased Toys vs. Dreamed up Toys

Here are two images, that for a child, yield the same enjoyment. One is dreamed up by my make-shift, crafty mother. The other was purchased as a gift for my children by another good mother, my sister-in-law. I remember seeing the bunch of jars and spoons and thought how my kids can enjoy the simple games created without money, a bit of time and an out-of-the box imagination. I am not that kid-inclined, but I do have my moments :) But aside from this, I have reaped hours and hours of enjoyment sitting in the sun reading a book as my kids played next to me on the water table I had on our deck. This was an activity we did every summer weekend, and I got my vitamin D and they got to play with water together - what is better!?

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